The Parable of the Good Samaritan : A Call to Compassion Sermon

Tadii Ministry
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Title: "The Good Samaritan: A Call to Compassion"


Today, we're going to explore a profound teaching from Jesus that challenges our understanding of compassion and neighborliness. The Parable of the Good Samaritan, found in the Gospel of Luke, is more than just a story; it is a powerful call to embody love and mercy in our daily lives.


The Parable: A Brief Recap

Let us begin by recounting the parable as it appears in Luke 10:25-37:

A lawyer stood up to test Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus replied, "What is written in the Law? How do you read it?" "The attorney responded, 'You are to love the Lord your God with every ounce of your heart, every fragment of your soul, every burst of your strength, and every thought of your mind; and your neighbor as yourself." Jesus said, "You have answered correctly; do this, and you will live." But the lawyer, wanting to justify himself, asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?"


In response, Jesus told the parable:

While journeying from Jerusalem to Jericho, a traveler found himself besieged by a band of ruthless robbers. They stripped him, beat him, and left him half-dead by the roadside. A priest happened to be going down that road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. Likewise, a Levite came to the place, and when he saw the man, he also passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where the man was, and when he saw him, he had compassion. He approached the injured man, tending to his wounds with oil and wine, then lifted him onto his own beast of burden. Guiding him to a cozy inn, he ensured the man's comfort and recovery. The following day, he handed two denarii to the innkeeper, instructing him, "Look after this man with all you can; any extra costs will be covered by me upon my return."

Jesus then asked, "Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?" The lawyer responded, "It was the one who extended mercy." Jesus replied, "Go, and follow his example."


Understanding the Context

To fully grasp the impact of this parable, we need to consider the cultural and social context of Jesus' time. The Samaritans and Jews were mutual adversaries. The animosity between them was deeply ingrained, and a Samaritan would have been the least expected to show compassion to a Jew. By choosing a Samaritan as the hero of the story, Jesus challenged prevailing prejudices and expanded the definition of “neighbor” beyond ethnic and religious boundaries.


Lessons from the Parable

Compassion Knows No Boundaries

The most striking lesson from the parable is the radical nature of compassion. The priest and the Levite, though religious leaders, failed to act compassionately. They were preoccupied with their own concerns or perhaps feared ritual impurity. Their religious status did not translate into loving action. The Samaritan, on the other hand, despite being an outsider, demonstrated genuine compassion. His actions reveal that true love and kindness transcend social and cultural barriers. Compassion is not about convenience; it is about choice and commitment.

Action Over Words

The parable underscores the difference between knowing what is right and doing what is right. The lawyer could recite the commandment to love God and neighbor, but it was the Samaritan who embodied these principles through action. This is a call for us to move beyond mere verbal expressions of faith to practical deeds of mercy and kindness. It challenges us to examine our own lives: Are we like the priest and the Levite, offering excuses for inaction, or are we willing to be like the Good Samaritan, stepping into uncomfortable situations to offer help?

Seeing with the Eyes of Compassion

The Samaritan saw the injured man, and his response was one of empathy. He did not just see a problem; he saw a person in need. This highlights the importance of seeing others through the lens of compassion. In our world today, it is easy to become desensitized to the suffering around us, but the parable calls us to be attentive to the needs of others and to respond with love and care.

Taking Responsibility

The Samaritan took personal responsibility for the man's well-being, going above and beyond what was expected. He didn’t just offer a quick fix; he ensured the man’s care and even promised to cover any additional expenses. This teaches us about the depth of responsibility we have toward one another. It’s not enough to offer temporary help; we are called to invest in the well-being of others, to be diligent in our care and support.


Applying the Parable Today

So, how do we apply this parable in our contemporary context?

Embrace Diversity: We must challenge our own biases and extend compassion to those who are different from us, whether due to race, religion, socioeconomic status, or political beliefs. Our neighbor is not limited to those within our comfort zones but includes all humanity.

Practice Active Kindness: Look for opportunities to help those in need, even if it requires personal sacrifice or inconvenience. This might be as simple as offering a listening ear, volunteering time, or providing financial support.

Cultivate Empathy: Develop a mindset that prioritizes understanding and compassion. When faced with the suffering of others, seek to understand their plight and respond with genuine care and support.



The Parable of the Good Samaritan is not just a story from the past; it is a living challenge for us today. It calls us to expand our understanding of who our neighbors are, to practice active and unconditional compassion, and to take responsibility for making a positive difference in the lives of others.

As we leave here today, let us carry this message in our hearts. Let us be like the Good Samaritan—willing to cross boundaries, overcome prejudices, and offer our love and help to all in need. In doing so, we not only fulfill the commandment to love our neighbor but also reflect the boundless grace and mercy of God in our own lives.

May we go forth with a renewed commitment to act with compassion, to see the humanity in every person, and to be a beacon of love and hope in a world that desperately needs it.



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